anti-trafficking - prevention of intergenerational trafficking - alternate livelihood for sex workers

& protection of survivors of incest​​


Human Trafficking is one of the most tragic human rights issues of our time. It splinters families, and robs human beings of their freedom and their dignity. Although slavery is commonly thought to be a thing of the past, human traffickers generate hundreds of billions of dollars in profits by trapping millions of people in horrific situations around the world. It is estimated that there are approximately 20 – 30 million slaves in the world today, with 600,000 – 800,000 persons being trafficked across international borders every year. Eighty percent of those trafficked are female and half are children. Traffickers use violence, threats, deception, debt bondage, and other manipulative tactics to force people to engage in commercial sex or to provide labor or services against their will. Truth to Power supports two organizations that have been fighting for the rights of trafficking survivors in Mumbai, Kolkata and Delhi. 

Fighting for the rights of children since 1996, one of the Foundation's partners was in the vanguard of addressing the needs of the children of trafficked women at night. They pioneered their concept of Night Care Centers, manning  four sites in the red light areas of Mumbai, where,  with Truth to Power's funding,  over 300 children are protected from the nightly dangers of trafficking, sexual assault, violence and trauma inherent in the  catchment areas. Sex workers are encouraged to leave their children in the Night Care Centers while the mothers are forced to service customers. The children are given a warm shower, health care, recreation and food, but most importantly, a place to sleep where they are free from fear. Truth to Power is privileged to fund this child protection program as it moves forward to address issues of child sexual abuse and intergenerational trafficking.  

The other grassroots Indian organization funded by Truth to Power was founded by twenty-two courageous women in prostitution who had a vision of a world where no woman could be bought or sold. Working in Kolkata and Delhi, empowering girls and women to resist and end sex trafficking, it organized small groups that work collectively to access legal, social, economic, and political rights. 


Estimating the precise number of female sex workers (FSW) in Sri Lanka remains a challenge. A 2018 report stated that there were approximately 45,000 FSWs; however, it is widely acknowledged that this number has surged  significantly in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing economic crisis. Eager to transition as many sex workers out of poverty and confident in the innate power of women to change their lives, Truth to Power funds an organization that trains sex workers in  entrepreneurial skills in addition to providing access to their basic needs. Within 18 months, women are leaving the trade by making more money in  legitimate markets, ones that are not overshadowed by violence and harassment.   


Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA) is widespread and a rapidly growing issue in Sri Lanka. Yet, despite the alarming reports that suggest 11-34% of girls in Sri Lanka experience CSA, most cases of child sexual abuse remain hidden and unreported  Survivors often face their trauma alone as it is highly stigmatized and, in the event that they take legal action, experience additional challenges through the system designed to protect them. Survivors of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) are put into government shelters for their own protection whilst the court cases around their abuse are processed, sometimes taking  as long as eight years. While living in shelters, girls are isolated from their community and lack the education, skills, and capital to be self-sufficient. Furthermore, due to the stigma around sexual abuse, families and communities often disown survivors, leaving them vulnerable and without any support system.  Truth to Power co-funds the ​reintegration center that collaborates with professionals from across different spheres (mental health, education, government, and private sector) to design a multi-pronged, aftercare program. The center supports young women aging out of state-run care in their continued psychological healing and develops practical skills, and creates community connections for sustainable independence.